Influence of calcium foliar fertilizing on yield and commercial quality of apple fruit
In 2017–2018, studies to assess the effect of calcium foliar fertilizer (complex KompleMet-Ca and two-component microbiological AgroVit) on the yield and commercial quality of apple fruit of varieties of the winter period of ripening was carried out in the experimental orchard planted in 2010 in the Institute for fruit growing. The fruits of that cultivars under a calcium deficiency are susceptible to physiological disorders (diseases).
The graft-rootstock combinations ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’/M-9 and ‘Imant’/PB-4 had the higher yield using foliar fertilization with CompleMet-Ca by 41.4 % (average yield increase – 10.6 t/ha) and 10.8 % (the average yield increase – 0.9 t/ha), respectively. The graft-rootstock combinations ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’/PB-4 and ‘Imant’/62-396 had lower yield by 5.1 % and 8.2 %, respectively, compared to the control variant.
Foliar application of a two-component microbiological fertilizer AgroVit led to a significant increase in yield in all studied graft-rootstock combinations of apple trees by 33–91 % compared to the control variant, the yield increase was 8.9–13.5 t/ha.
Foliar fertilizer application KompleMet-Ca had an effect on the larger gross output of high-quality products: in the case of graft-rootstock combinations ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’/PB-4, ‘Belorusskoye sladkoye’/M-9, and ‘Imant’/PB-4, compared with the control, by 3.8, 21.7 and 4.2 tons, respectively.
Application of the two-component microbiological fertilizer AgroVit was characterized by the higher gross yield of fruits of the highest grades for the studied graft-rootstock combinations.
About the Authors
I. S. LeonovichBelarus
N. G. Kapichnikova
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For citations:
Leonovich I.S., Kapichnikova N.G. Influence of calcium foliar fertilizing on yield and commercial quality of apple fruit. Fruit Growing. 2019;31(1):31-36. (In Russ.)