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Various substrates and season of the year effect on honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L. var. kamtschatica) plant regenerants ex vitro adaptation


The maximum output of the adapted plants (100 %) with the average shoot length 11.24±0.21 cm and the average root length 10.48±0.22 cm for plants was observed on a sterile peat substrate at the average through all cultivars (‛Volhova’, ‛Krupnoplodnaya’, ‛Goluboye vereteno’, ‛Pavlovskaya’). The high output of the adapted plant regenerants (95.58 %) with the average shoot length 8.10±0.72 cm and the average root length 6.89±0.16 cm could be produced on the cheaper agroperlit substrate. BIONA-311 substrate that provided the high output of the adapted plant regenerants (97.48 %) and the high morphological honeysuckle growth parametres (the average shoot length 12.76±0.56 cm and the average root length 10.20±0.49) as well had the subnstancial disadvantage of high cost in comparison with a peat substrate and agroperlit. At the avarage the output of the adapted plants through the all cultivars was 95.17 % (‛Pavlovskaya’), 95.83 % (‛Krupnoplodnaya’), 96.14 % („Volhova”) and 97.51 % (‛Goluboye vereteno’). For the periods of adaptation, at the avarage the high results not less 92.78 % at the end of autumn to the beginning of winter (November‒December) were obtained through the all cultivars. The maximum amount of the adapted plants (99.46 % and 98.19 %) was produced at the end of winter (February‒March) to summer (April‒May).

About the Author

E. V. Kolbanova
Республиканское унитарное предприятие «Институт плодоводства»


1. Скворцов, А. К. Голубые жимолости: Ботаническое изучение и перспективы культуры в средней полосе России / А. К. Скворцов, А. Г. Куклина. – М.: Наука, 2002. – 160 с.

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For citations:

Kolbanova E.V. Various substrates and season of the year effect on honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L. var. kamtschatica) plant regenerants ex vitro adaptation. Fruit Growing. 2018;30(1):159-164. (In Russ.)

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