Influence of fertilizers and growth stimulators on the development of the overground sphere of virginal plants of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) on the opencast peatland of the lowland type
The paper deals with the results of a comparative study of influence of full mineral fertilizer (N16P16K16) and growth regulators (‛Nanoplant’, ‛Hydrohumat’ and ‛Ecosil’) on the parameters of development the overground sphere of virginal twoyear- old plants of the early ripening (’Northcountry’, ‛Croaton’) and the mid-ripening (‛Bluecrop’, ‛Northland’, ‛Jersey’) varieties of V. corymbosum L. on the opencast peatland of lowland type in conditions of central agroclimatic zone of Belarus. It was established that the «Northcountry» variety was characterized by the most pronounced positive changes in the totality of the 20 characteristics of the habitus and the current increment of the vegetative organs (by 562–1065 % compared to the control) with the maximum effect against the background of the application of ‛Ecosil’ and especially ‛Hydrohumat’ and minimal with the ‛Nanoplant’ treating. The development of the aboveground sphere of the ‛Croaton’ variety is shown to increase (by 159–234 % relative to the control) when N16P16K16 is used and especially ‛Nanoplant’; application of ‛Hydrohumat’ and especially ‛Ecosil’ led to its inhibition by 56–143 %. In the response of the medium-ripening blueberry varieties to the tested agro-practices positive tendencies dominated with the activation of the development of their overgroundsphere by 55–701 %, with the largest and most similar effect in the ‛Bluecrop’ and ‛Jersey’ varieties on the background of N16P16K16 and the lowest when ‛Hydrohumat» was applied. In the ‛Northland’ variety, the maximum positive effect was established with ‛Ecosil’ treatments, the minimum – with ‛Nanoplant’ treatment, against the background of inhibition of the development of its overground sphere by 44 % when ‛Hydrohumat’ was applied.
The most pronounced activation of the development of vegetative organs of virginal plants of most model blueberry varieties is revealed when N16P16K16 is applied and ‛Ecosil’ is used, the lowest – with the ‛Hydrohumat’ treatment. The ‛Northcountry’ variety was characterized by the most pronounced positive response of the vegetative sphere of virginal blueberry plants to the tested agro-practices, the least – ‛Jersey’ and especially ‛Croaton’ varieties.
About the Authors
Zh. A. RupasovaBelarus
A. P. Yakovlev
T. M. Karbanovich
S. P. Antokhina
P. N. Bely
A. M. Nikolaichuk
I. V. Savosko
L. V. Goncharova
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For citations:
Rupasova Zh.A., Yakovlev A.P., Karbanovich T.M., Antokhina S.P., Bely P.N., Nikolaichuk A.M., Savosko I.V., Goncharova L.V. Influence of fertilizers and growth stimulators on the development of the overground sphere of virginal plants of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) on the opencast peatland of the lowland type. Fruit Growing. 2018;30(1):186-196. (In Russ.)