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Change in climatic conditions and phenological rhythmic of berry crops in Belarus


The article presents an analysis of changes in climatic and agroclimatic characteristics of the Minsk region in 1989–2018. According to “Minsk” meteorological station, Samokhvalovichi, an increase in average annual atmospheric temperature by 1.5 °С, reduction in the period with temperature below zero by an average of 26 days, and increase in the duration of periods with temperatures above 5, 10, 15 °С on average by 15, 12,16 days respectively are reported. The heat supply of the growing season (temperatures above 5 °С) increased by 326 °С. The amount of precipitation during the year did not change significantly and was to 95 % of the climatic norm. The shift to the earlier calendar dates of the periods with active temperatures above 0, 5, 10, 15 °С resulted in the change in the dates and duration of phenological phases of growth and development of traditional berry crops in Belarus. For black currant, gooseberry, raspberry and strawberry, an earlier onset of “beginning of the growing season” (by 8–16 days), “beginning of flowering” (by 5–10 days, except for strawberry) phenological phases, as well as the unchanged onset of the ripening period while reducing its duration by 7–14 days, was reported.

For citations:

Andrushkevich T.M., Radkevich D.B., Emelyanova O.V., Shalkevich M.S., Frolova L.V., Klakotskaya N.V., Zazulin A.G. Change in climatic conditions and phenological rhythmic of berry crops in Belarus. Fruit Growing. 2019;31(1):100-112. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)