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Initiation of in vitro culture of the blue honeysuckle cultivars (Lonicera caerulea L. var. kamtschatica)


The ability of the blue honeysuckle explants to regeneration processes at the stage of initiation of in vitro culture is determined by the cultivar characteristics, nutrient medium, time of initiation and type of used explant.

The efficiency of initiation using single-node cuttings and apexes in the beginning of shoot growth (the first decade of May) was determined by the genotype. For the cultivar Krupnoplodnaya, the in vitro initiation using single-node cuttings on WPM medium was effective (72.22 % of viable explants). For ‘Goluboye vereteno’, there were no significant differences in the type of explant when using the WPM nutrient medium. For the ‘Pavlovskaya’ and ‘Volkhova’, the best results (42.97 and 43.33 % of viable explants, respectively) were obtained on WPM when using apexes as explants.

The use of small-size explants (apexes) of cultivars Krupnoplodnaya, Goluboye vereteno, Pavlovskaya and Volkhova is effective for initiation of in vitro culture in the period of intensive growth of shoots (first decade of June) when using WPM nutrient medium (27.66–54.95 % of viable explants depending on the genotype). For ‘Volkhova’, the medium MS is suitable for initiation of in vitro culture when using apexes in the period of intensive growth of shoots (the rate of viable explants is 42.50 %).

About the Authors

E. V. Kolbanova
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

S. E. Semenas
РУП «Институт плодоводства»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Kolbanova E.V., Semenas S.E. Initiation of in vitro culture of the blue honeysuckle cultivars (Lonicera caerulea L. var. kamtschatica). Fruit Growing. 2019;31(1):162-168. (In Russ.)

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