Influence of fertilizers and growth stimulators on sweet-berry honeysuckle fruiting parameters in lowland peat bogs
The results of a comparative study of the influence of N16P16K16 and highly efficient domestic growth stimulators – Ecosil and Hydrohumate, microfertilizers Nanoplant-8 – on the main parameters of fruiting (linear dimensions, average mass and yield of fruits) of Kamchadalka and Leningradsky velican varieties on the lowland peat bog in the central agricultural group аre given. A more significant positive effect of the tested agricultural methods on the studied parameters in the Kamchadalka variety than in the Leningradsky velican variety has been established. In both cases, the greatest cumulative effect was provided by the treatment of plants with Ecosil (respectively 70 and 21 % compared with the control), against the background of absolute inefficiency of the second cultivar using Nanoplant and Hydrohuman.
About the Authors
Zh. A. RupasovaBelarus
A. P. Yakovlev
S. F. Zhdanets
I. V. Savosko
T. M. Karbanovich
V. I. Domash
S. G. Azizbekyan
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For citations:
Rupasova Zh.A., Yakovlev A.P., Zhdanets S.F., Savosko I.V., Karbanovich T.M., Domash V.I., Azizbekyan S.G. Influence of fertilizers and growth stimulators on sweet-berry honeysuckle fruiting parameters in lowland peat bogs. Fruit Growing. 2019;31(1):169-173. (In Russ.)