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Influence of mineral and microbian fertilizers on the content of phenolic compound in blueberry fruits on the developed peat bogs of the top type in the North of Belarus


Results of biennial comparative study of features of formation of a phenolic complex V. angustifolium and species hybrids (V. angustifolium × V corymbosum) Northcountry and Northblue in field experiment cutover peatland on a hydrothermal regime against entering full mineral and domestic microbial fertilizings of MaKlor, AgroMik and Baktopin at the differentiated and joint application to contrast seasons in article are introduced. In the weather environment of a growing season close to centre perennial norm, tested agricultural practices promoted expressed in different degree, depending on a genotype of plants and a kind of the fertilizings, to primary depletion of fruits of a blueberry by tannins and bioflavonoids. It is shown that complete dressing promoted accumulation magnification in fruits of a blueberry of the reduced bunches of polyphenols (leucoanthocyanids and catechins) and inhibited accumulation of the acidifyed forms (actually anthocyans and flavonols). Hot and dry weather promoted enrichment of fruits of a varietal blueberry by tannins, and V. angustifolium – flavonols, and also to their depletion the anthocyanin pigments and catechins. For cultivars Northcountry and Northblue primary activization of biosynthesis the anthocyanin pigments, the most significant against fertilization is shown. It has caused augmentation of their relative lobe as a part of the Р-vitamin complex, especially at joint entering of drugs of AgroMik and MaKloR into 10%-s’ concentration.

About the Authors

Zh. A. Rupasova
ГНУ «Центральный ботанический сад НАН Беларуси»

A. P. Yakovlev
ГНУ «Институт микробиологии НАН Беларуси»

V. N. Reshetnikov
ГНУ «Центральный ботанический сад НАН Беларуси»

E. I. Kolomiets
ГНУ «Институт микробиологии НАН Беларуси»

Z. M. Aleshchenkova
ГНУ «Институт микробиологии НАН Беларуси»

T. I. Vasilevskaja
ГНУ «Центральный ботанический сад НАН Беларуси»

T. M. Karbanovich
Министерство сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Республики Беларусь

A. A. Yaroshuk
ГНУ «Центральный ботанический сад НАН Беларуси»

L. V. Goncharova
ГНУ «Центральный ботанический сад НАН Беларуси»


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For citations:

Rupasova Zh.A., Yakovlev A.P., Reshetnikov V.N., Kolomiets E.I., Aleshchenkova Z.M., Vasilevskaja T.I., Karbanovich T.M., Yaroshuk A.A., Goncharova L.V. Influence of mineral and microbian fertilizers on the content of phenolic compound in blueberry fruits on the developed peat bogs of the top type in the North of Belarus. Fruit Growing. 2019;31(1):200-213. (In Russ.)

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