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Application of succinic acid in crop growing


Succinic acid is a universal intermediate metabolite in the Krebs cycle. It has two main effects on plants. The first is stimulation (increased yield), the second is a protective effect on plants exposed to various stressors. Succinic acid is used for presowing treatment of seeds and vegetative plants. The use of low doses (10 mg/l) of succinic acid transforms the metabolism in plants into a new stationary state where metabolic processes proceed more intensively. Succinic acid is also used in vitro at the stages of proliferation, rooting and adaptation to ex vitro conditions. It is noted that succinic acid contributes to the strengthening of foliage, improves the health of micro shoots, reduces the level of vitrification and tissue chlorosis. Succinic acid can facilitate the ex vitro adaptation phase of plants.

For citations:

Zmushko A.A., Krasinskaya T.A. Application of succinic acid in crop growing. Fruit Growing. 2019;31(1):288-292. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)