Commercial indicators of new introduced species of garden strawberry
The article presents the comprehensive studies results of fresh berries of garden strawberry of the introduced species Alba, Vibrant, Cupid, Matis, Hanoi, Elsanta in comparison with the zoned species Zenga-Zengana.
In terms of hardness, all the studied species surpassed the standard Zenga-Zengana species (the average hardness was 2.6 N/cm2 ). The average content of soluble solids was 8.7 %. In terms of berry size (the average berry weight is more than 12 g), the species Alba, Vibrant, Cupid, Mathis, Hanoi, Elsanta are distinguished. The garden waste and losses in the studied strawberry species amounted to 2.3–3.5 %, which leads to small losses during processing. The studied species are heartshaped or round-shaped; the berry shape index ranged from 0.9 to 1.3. The size of berries in all studied species in terms of the largest transverse diameter was 27.4–34.4 mm. Fresh berries of all studied garden strawberry species had an attractive appearance and colour, juicy texture, pronounced aroma and good taste. The average degustation score ranged from 4.5 to 4.9.
In the process of research, it was found that the garden strawberry species of the foreign selection Alba, Vibrant, Cupid, Mathis, Hanoi, Elsanta had high commercial qualities.
About the Authors
H. A. NovikBelarus
N. V. Klakotskaya
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For citations:
Novik H.A., Klakotskaya N.V. Commercial indicators of new introduced species of garden strawberry. Fruit Growing. 2021;33:101-105. (In Russ.)