Effect of age of planting material on the growth and yield of apples on rootstock PB-4
The study was done in the garden planted in spring in 2009 with cultivars ‘Vesyalіna’, ‘Syabryna’, ‘Pospech’ on super-dwarf rootstock PB-4. Planting scheme – 3.5 x 1.0 m. A prope was two-wired trellis with a bamboo stake for each tree.
The article presents data on strength of bole growth in 2009-2015, yield in the 5-7-th year after planting, formation of spures, annual growth.
It was found that apple trees on super-dwarf rootstock were characterized with weak strength of growth, the total growth of cross-sectional area of bole for 2009-2015 ranged between 6.0 and 7.1 cm2 for cv. ‘Pospech’ to 7.7 and 9.5 cm2 for cv. ‘Syabryna’ at planting with one-year and two-year seedlings, respectively.
No significant effect of age on planting material strength of bole growth and timber growth was found. More productive in the 5-7-th year after foundation were the plantings of two-year seedlings.
To increase productivity, taking into account the strength of growth of trees on the rootstock PB-4 it is necessary to plant gardens with two-year planting material and decrease distance between trees in the row to 0.5-0.7 m.
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For citations:
Kapichnikova N.G. Effect of age of planting material on the growth and yield of apples on rootstock PB-4. Fruit Growing. 2016;28(1):24-31. (In Russ.)