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Use and study of apricot collection for rootstocks breeding


The article presents the results of a study of apricot соllection for selection of mother- trees for seeds. The objects of study were the most winter-hardy varieties ‘Iceberg’, ‘Artyomovsky’, ‘Grafinya’, ‘Zeus’, ‘Lel’, ‘Orlovchanin’, ‘Pamyat’ Govorukhina’, ‘Pamyat’ Loiko’, ‘Pogremok’, ‘Triumph severnyi’, ‘Yakovleva 9’, ‘Ritausma’, ‘Pure 9’ and 13 promising apricot hybrids of Belarusian selection, variety-standard is ‘Znahodka’. To identify new adaptive vegetatively propagated rootstock forms of apricot as objects we used rootstocks of Romanian selection – ‘Baros’, B 83/5, Cs 6, (B x A) 83/44, ‘Mirodad 1’.

Belarusian apricot hybrids 4-7/03, 7-4/03, 12-12/03, 13-3/03, 8-28/03, 10-15/03, K-1-94, K-2-75, varieties ‘Iceberg’, ‘Pamyat’ Loiko’, and Romanian rootstocks Cs6, ‘Mirodad 1’ have complex resistance to fungal diseases – monilia and cherry leaf spot. Varieties ‘Artiomovsky’, ‘Pamyat’ Loiko’, ‘Ritausma’, hybrids 4-7/03, 7-4/03, 13-3/03, 8-18/03, 8-28/03, 10-7/03, 10-15/03 were allocated for good potential flower buds, their capacity to survive, flowering and fruiting as the standard variety ‘Znahodka’ and higher. There were selected promising hybrids 4-7/03, 7-4/03, 13-3/03, having a complex resistance to fungal diseases, winter hardiness, good potential of generation of flower buds, their capacity to survive, flowering and fruiting, and high seed viability.

About the Authors

Z. A. Kozlovskaya
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

N. L. Rudnitskaya
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Kozlovskaya Z.A., Rudnitskaya N.L. Use and study of apricot collection for rootstocks breeding. Fruit Growing. 2016;28(1):138-146. (In Russ.)

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