Virus-free nuclear stock collections of fruit crops in Belarus
The paper presents the results of studies in 2012-2015 to create collection of fruit and small-fruit crops free of system pathogens in the Republic of Belarus. In 2015 in the Institute for Fruit Growing virus-free (SSE A class) plants of 34 varieties of apple (over 200 plants), 15 varieties of pear (45 trees), 9 varieties of sweet cherry, 9 varieties of cherry, 13 varieties of plum and 8 varieties of cherry plum (157 plants of stone fruit) were stored. Super-elite plants of apple, pear, plum, cherries have been grown in Fruit crops breeding department and Nursery department in the field; stone fruit cultures in vitro – in Biotechnology department.
Virus-free nuclear stock of strawberry is 20 varieties (over 2300 plants), black currant – 27 varieties, red and white currants – 7, gooseberries – 8 varieties (465 plants).
Virus-free nuclear stock of dwarf rootstocks (Class A) are in vitro culture, in a glasshouse and open field: 54-118, 62-396, PB-4, MM 106, VA-29, 2-31, S-1, OVP-2, Izmailovsky, VSL-2, GiSelA-5, Damil, VVA-1, VPK-1, OD-2-3, 140-2.
According to data of 2012-2015 years, a significant decrease showed in the number of plants infected with viruses in plantations of apple, pear and stone fruit crops. Viral pathogens in A class stock of strawberry, red currant and gooseberry were not diagnosed.
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For citations:
Kukharchik N.V. Virus-free nuclear stock collections of fruit crops in Belarus. Fruit Growing. 2016;28(1):147-153. (In Russ.)