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Micropropagation of black currant variety ‘Dabradzeya’


Cultivated variety ‘Dabradzeya’ is characterized by high regenerative capacity in culture in vitro (the percentage of viable explants – 92.88-96.47 %). At the stage of multiplication MS medium supplemented with 6-BA in a concentration of 1,0 mg/l is recommended (multiplication coefficient is 2.03). After the third passage it is recommended to use a medium for elongation (MS supplemented with 6-BA and GA3 at 0.1 and 1.0 mg/l, respectively) at one time to obtain regenerated plants suitable for rooting (at least 30 %). To stimulate in vitro root formation we used a medium containing ½ MS macro- and microelements solution with addition of IMC 0.5 mg/l (the percentage of rooted regenerated plants – 94.44 %). When adapted ex vitro on a substrate ‘Agroperlit’ in winter and spring months the output of adapted regenerated plants is not less than 87 %, up to 98 % in May. In summer (June) the number of regenerated plants of cv. ‘Dabradzeya’ can be increased by 8-13 % through the use of ion exchange substrates ‘BIONA 111’ or ‘BIONA 311’.

About the Author

E. V. Kolbanova
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Kolbanova E.V. Micropropagation of black currant variety ‘Dabradzeya’. Fruit Growing. 2016;28(1):162-169. (In Russ.)

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