Project of standards changes for planting material of raspberry and grape in Belarus
The results of studies of viral pathogens spread in the plantations of raspberries and grapes in Belarus are presented in the article. Proposed changes of the standards for planting material of these crops and its division into classes are explained.
A decrease of raspberry viral diseases is determined after initiating of the practice of testing the mother plantations for viruses. For summer and autumn raspberry and blackberry in 2015 a new project of standards was developed that regulated testing for virus presence to select planting material into Class A (ArMV, ApMV, RBDV, RpRSV, TBRV, TomRSV, SLRV). A collection of SSE virus-free clones was created, which included 33 varieties of raspberries and one variety of blackberries in the culture in vitro, in the glasshouse and in the open field.
For the first time in Belarus viral diseases of grapes are revealed: Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV, 32.6 %) and Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 (5.2 %). A project of the standard for virus-free grapevine planting material was developed that regulated testing for 6 viruses (ArMV, RpRSV, SLRV, TBRV, GLRaV 3, GFkV) to select plants into Class A. Virus-free mother plantations of grapevine varieties ‘Marshal Foch’, ‘Bianca’, ‘Platovsky’, ‘Crystal’, ‘Agat Donskoy’ were founded in the greenhouse and in vitro.
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For citations:
Kukharchik N.V. Project of standards changes for planting material of raspberry and grape in Belarus. Fruit Growing. 2016;28(1):176-183. (In Russ.)