Some results of assessment of advanced walnut hybrids in the central area of Belarus
The article presents the results of a study of promising walnut hybrid on such characters as flowering, winter hardiness and resistance to disease. It was found that the investigated promising hybrids 1-80, 1-88, 1-119, 1-121, 1-124, 1-181 have sufficient genetic level of winter hardiness in the climatic conditions of the central zone of the Republic of Belarus and are at the level of the standard varieties ‘Samohvalovichsky-2’ or above it according to the complex of economically important traits, including resistance to brown spot – Marssonia juglandis (Lib.).
Highlight the source of high resistance to brown spot – hybrids 1-119 and 1-181 for use in the selection process. There were determined the suitability of hybrid 1-119, 1-121 and 1-181 as seedling rootstocks for the walnut.
About the Authors
S. A. YarmolichBelarus
Z. A. Kozlovskaya
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For citations:
Yarmolich S.A., Kozlovskaya Z.A. Some results of assessment of advanced walnut hybrids in the central area of Belarus. Fruit Growing. 2016;28(1):258-264. (In Russ.)