
Fruit Growing

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Winter hardiness and yield of promising varieties and hybrids of ampelographical collection of RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’


The article presents a study aimed at identifying the hardy grape varieties that are resistant to disease, with stable yields, suitable for commercial cultivation in the Republic of Belarus. Investigations were carried out in 2013-2015. Object is a non-grafted plants of 74 varieties and 10 hybrids of ampelographic collection of grapes in RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’.

26 promising grape varieties and 5 hybrids were selected on the basis of characters including high winter hardiness and productivity (at least 2.3 kg/bush) which suitable for grape cultivation in open field without hardy cover: ‘Augusta’, ‘Agawam’, ‘Amur dikiy’, ‘Bako’, ‘Victoria’, ‘Wilder’, ‘Vynoslivyi’, ‘Dubysa’, ‘Kishmish unikalny’, ‘Leon Miiau’, ‘Mars’, ‘Minnesota’, ‘Minsky’, ‘Muscat plamennyi’, ‘Nero’, ‘Ontario’, ‘Platovsky’, ‘Plenitel’, ‘Samantha’, ‘Samohvalovichsky’, ‘Skaiste’, ‘Spulga’, ‘Toldi’, ‘Chasselas Gaylyunasa’, ‘Shirvinta’, ‘Pink Reliance’ seedless and Hybrids – 2-2-25, 8-29, 8-32, Ц 43Б, BR 13.

For citations:

Leonovich I.S., Ustinov V.N. Winter hardiness and yield of promising varieties and hybrids of ampelographical collection of RUE ‘Institute for Fruit Growing’. Fruit Growing. 2016;28(1):265-271. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)