
Fruit Growing

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Root formation effectiveness in vitro and adaptation ex vitro of some early-ripening grape varieties


The study was carried out in the period of 2014-2015 years in the Biotechnology Center of the Tajik National University. As objects of the study we used varieties with early period of ripening (‘Aushon ranny’, ‘Babatag’, ‘Zarif’, ‘Chilyaki bely’). The effectiveness of root formation in vitro and adaptation ex vitro of regenerated plants of mentioned above grape varieties on different substrates was investigated.

A high efficiency of root formation in vitro for cv. ‘Aushon ranny’ (94.2 %) was obtained. This parameter for the studied varieties was on the average 88.4 %.

The highest percentage of adapted regenerated plants was got on a substrate BIONA 111 and was 83.3 % on the average for all studied varieties.

For citations:

Babaeva S.H., Bobodzhanova H.I., Kukharchik N.V. Root formation effectiveness in vitro and adaptation ex vitro of some early-ripening grape varieties. Fruit Growing. 2016;28(1):322-329. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)