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Role of rootstock in realizing the variety potencial


The article presents a review on the rootstocks of cherries, and their role in modern horticulture. An analysis of the most popular and commonly used dwarf cherry and sweet cherry rootstocks in the Republic of Belarus and in other countries is presented. The evaluation of varieties of cherries on different dwarf rootstocks, characteristic of economically useful traits and properties of introduced rootstocks in nurseries is shown. The variety-rootstock combinations are presented, which most fully realize the potential of certain varieties, indicating that the science-based selection of variety-rootstock combinations plays an important role in obtaining of high and stable yields and is crucial for planting orchards of intensive type.

For citations:

Polubyatko I.G., Kozlovskaya Z.A. Role of rootstock in realizing the variety potencial. Fruit Growing. 2016;28(1):404-424. (In Russ.)

Views: 158

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)