Growth and fertility of apple tree species Aksamit and Palanez depending on the cutting techniques used in the formation of the spindle-shaped crown
The article presents the research results for 2019–2020 (on the 2-3 year after planting the garden) in studying the effect of various degrees of shortening of one-year growth during the formation of a spindle-shaped crown on the growth and fruiting of trees of the Aksamit and Palanez species on a semi-dwarf rootstock 54-118.
As a result, it was found that in the studied species the method of crown formation without shortening (cutting) the shoots contributed to the formation of a larger amount of fruit wood (laying the generative sphere).
The shortening of one-year increments by 1/2 and 1/3 of the length during crown formation stimulated branching and led to the formation of a larger number of annual increments and their greater total length accordingly.
The first fruiting of the studied species on a semi-dwarf clonal rootstock 54-118 was noted only on the third year after planting the garden with annual seedlings.
In order to accelerate the fruiting of apple trees on a semi-dwarf clonal rootstock 54-118 when forming a spindle-shaped crown in the first two years after planting the garden, it is necessary to take into account their species characteristics: in the early ripening Aksamit species shortening of the annual growth should be excluded, and in the average ripening period Palanez species shortening of the one-year growth by 1/3 of the length is permissible.
About the Authors
N. H. KapichnikovaBelarus
A. V. Buimistrova
I. S. Leonovich
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For citations:
Kapichnikova N.H., Buimistrova A.V., Leonovich I.S. Growth and fertility of apple tree species Aksamit and Palanez depending on the cutting techniques used in the formation of the spindle-shaped crown. Fruit Growing. 2021;33:12-17. (In Russ.)