Impact of regulatory measures on commodity yield of apple varieties of Belarusian selection
The article provides data concerning the impact of regulatory measures on Belarusian apple varieties at different times. It has been established that the implementation of regulatory measures relating to chemical and manual fruit thinning contributes to growth of the average weight of the fruit and increase in the yield of commercial apples. Manual thinning of the ovary proved to be quite effective for all varieties. In the 1st term (67 BBCH-scale) of the thinning of the ovary the introduction of chloroethylphosphonic acid (CEPA) at concentrations of 0.03 and 0.06 % and α-naphthylacetic acid (α-NAA) at a concentration of 0.003 % has the greatest effect on the yield of apples of the highest commercial category for the Belorusskoye Sladkoe and Pamyat Syubarova varieties; for the Imant variety – the use of CEPA at a concentration of 0,03- and 0,06 % and α-NAA at a concentration of 0.003 %; for the Alesya variety – the use of CEPA at a concentration of 0.06 % and α-NAA – 0.003 %. In the 2nd term (71 BBCH-scale) of the regulatory measures the highest yield of commercial apples was obtained on the Belorusskoye Sladkoe and Pamyat Syubarova varieties in the variants when a solution of α-NAA at a concentration of 0.003 % was applied; for the Imant and Alesya varieties – when applying CEPA and α-NAA at a concentration of 0.06 and 0.003 %, respectively.
About the Authors
M. E. RulinskayaBelarus
V. V. Vasekha
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For citations:
Rulinskaya M.E., Vasekha V.V. Impact of regulatory measures on commodity yield of apple varieties of Belarusian selection. Fruit Growing. 2023;35(2):29-34. (In Russ.)