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Selective value of hazelnut seedlings obtained from free pollination of the Catalan variety


The article presents the assessment results of the economic value of the hybrid fund obtained from free pollination of the Western European Catalan variety under the conditions of the breeding seed orchard. The high heterozygosity of the original maternal form was confirmed by the breeding traits under study. The possibility of obtaining transgressive forms in the first generation compared to the Catalan variety in terms of such parameters as the average weight of the nut (empirical splitting 1 : 4 : 4), shell thickness (1 : 3), kernel yield (7 : 1 : 6) has been shown. Genotypes with an earlier period of entry into the fruiting period and with a higher level of winter hardiness compared to the Catalan variety were not obtained. Four hybrids – 15-9/20, 15-9/41, 15-9/48, 15-9/50 – were selected as new original material with a set of main economically valuable traits for further breeding work.

About the Authors

V. V. Vasekha
РУП «Інстытут пладаводства»

K. A. Charnavokaya
РУП «Інстытут пладаводства»

M. M. Barysenka
РУП «Інстытут пладаводства»


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For citations:

Vasekha V.V., Charnavokaya K.A., Barysenka M.M. Selective value of hazelnut seedlings obtained from free pollination of the Catalan variety. Fruit Growing. 2024;36:91-95. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)