Apple cultivars of Romanian breeding in the conditions of Belarus
The article presents the results of Romanian breeding cultivar study for culturing suitability in the conditions of Belarus on the complex of economic and biological characteristics such as early maturity, productivity, disease resistance. Romanian breeding cultivars were determined to set buds from the third year after planting on a seed rootstock and build up the generative sphere together with tree growth. The more stable bearing fruit ‘Goldprim’, ‘Redix’, ‘Rustic’, ‘Romus 3’ and ‘Romus 4’ were selected on the base of productivity assay. The high resistance to V. inaequalis and Phyllosticta mali Prill. et Del. pathogens was determined. This allowed to consider them as valuable initial forms of scab and phyllosticta leaf spot resistance recourse. ‘Rustic’, ‘Romus 3’ and ‘Romus 4’ Romanian cultivars were selected for the complex of economic and biological characteristics (early maturity, productivity, disease resistance).
About the Authors
Z. A. KozlovskayaBelarus
S. A. Yarmolich
G. M. Marudo
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For citations:
Kozlovskaya Z.A., Yarmolich S.A., Marudo G.M. Apple cultivars of Romanian breeding in the conditions of Belarus. Fruit Growing. 2018;30(1):12-15. (In Russ.)