Natural plant growth regulator Gybbersib effect on growth and fruiting of apple trees on rootstock ‘PB-4’
The studies were performed in 2016–2017 in the Institute for Fruit Growing in an orchard planted in 2009. The effect of three fold foliar fertilizing with 0,01 % solution of multifunctional growth regulator Gybbersib on growth, fruit formation and yield of the Belarusian cultivars ‘Vesyalina’, ‘Syabryna’, ‘Pospekh’ on a superdwarf rootstock ‘PB-4’ was studied. The planting scheme was 3.5 × 1.0 m, planting density – 2857 tree/ha.
There was no significant effect in the first two years of Gybbersib application on the tree growth indices, ‒ cross-sectional area of the stem and leaf area. There was a decrease in the number and the average length of the one-year growth rate in the second year of foliar application of the chemical.
A varietal reaction for the foliar application of Gybbersib was established in terms of productivity formation: in 2016, more fruits were harvested and kept preserved before harvesting for the cultivar ‘Vesyalina’ 3.5 %, for ‘Syabryna’ variety – 5.6 % relatively to the control, and in 2017 – by 7.0 and 3.9 % respectively. The use of Gybbersib increased the yield of ‘Vesyalina’ by 4.0 t/ha, ‘Syabryna’ – by 1.7 t/ha on average for two years of fruiting. The trees of the variety ‘Pospekh’ did not show such effect.
About the Authors
N. G. KapichnikovaBelarus
I. S. Leonovich
S. S. Halimonenko
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For citations:
Kapichnikova N.G., Leonovich I.S., Halimonenko S.S. Natural plant growth regulator Gybbersib effect on growth and fruiting of apple trees on rootstock ‘PB-4’. Fruit Growing. 2018;30(1):23-28. (In Russ.)