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Agroclimatical zoning of fruit crops taking into account the climate changes (on the example of apple)


In this paper, the basic concepts and statements associated with modern ideas about the methods of territory climatic zoning are considered. The regularities of the spatial course of meteorological values are determined and their impact on the apple ‘Antonovka’ cultivar is estimated for the territory of Belarus. Areas of optimal garden planting are selected taking into account climatic conditions and factors that limit the productivity of fruit crops.

In addition, it was found that the use of the method of inversely weighted distances is not always justified for constructing the course of meteorological quantities, since the mathematical apparatus does not reflect the features of the distribution of meteorological characteristics, since they, in turn, are due to the physiographic location of the territory. 47 items were selected for the study, including agrometeorological and meteorological observation stations that cover the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus, which makes it possible to carry out an objective check of zoning methods.

About the Author

A. E. Bulynko
Белорусский государственный университет


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For citations:

Bulynko A.E. Agroclimatical zoning of fruit crops taking into account the climate changes (on the example of apple). Fruit Growing. 2018;30(1):39-45. (In Russ.)

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