Own-root apricot in vitro culture
The results of studies of introduction and propagation in vitro culture of own-root apricot varieties are presented in the article.
The optimal sterilizing substance for introduction into the culture was established. The use of 33 % hydrogen peroxide allows to obtain up to 62.5 % of viable explants. The optimal concentration of growth regulators at the micropropagation stage which allows to achieve the greatest amount of regenerants with optimal length for further rooting was established. The inclusion on plant nutrient medium 6 benzilaminopurine and gibberellic acid in concentration 1.5 mg/L and 0.5 mg/ltr allows to obtain 2.6 multiplication factor of apricot variety ‘Znachodka’ (standard) and ‘Nikitski’, and 3.0 multiplication factor on apricot variety ‘Zaporozets’, without taking into account the length of plants-regenerants. Also the good result was obtained on nutrient medium 6 BAP – 0.75 mg/L, gibberellic acid – 0 mg/L in all varieties.
Taking into account the influence of cytokinin and gibberellin concentration on the height of microplants at the micropropagation stage (in future, for all effective rizogenesis) it is recommended 6 BAP – 0.5 mg/ltr and gibberellic acid – 1.5 mg/L addition for ‘Zaporozets’ and ‘Znachodka’ varieties. For ‘Nikitski’ variety the best indicators are noted on a medium with 6 BAP – 1.0 mg/L and gibberellic acid – 1.0 mg/L content.
About the Authors
T. P. KobrinetsBelarus
O. S. Ivanova
A. V. Poukh
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For citations:
Kobrinets T.P., Ivanova O.S., Poukh A.V. Own-root apricot in vitro culture. Fruit Growing. 2018;30(1):109-114. (In Russ.)