Yield structure and organoleptic evaluation of processing products from red current
The yield structure parameters of seven red currant varieties of Belarusian and foreign breeding and its suitability for production of canned products were studied.
The mean biometric measures of red currant yield were established: a length of raceme – 7.7 cm (Korallovaya) and 10.7 cm (Gollandskaya krasnaya), a number of berries in the raceme – 7 (Nenagladnaya, Korallovaya) and 13 (Purpurnaya), average fruit weight – 0.49 g (Smolyaninovskaya) and 0.82 g (Dana).
The amount of solid residue going to waste in the production of strained fruits was 23.7 % (Purpurnaya) and 38.0 % (Nenagladnaya), including raceme without berries – 3.5 % (Bayana) and 13.3 % (Nenagladnaya), peel – 7.0 % (Bayana) and 14.0 % (Gollandskaya krasnaya), seeds – 9.5 % (Purpurnaya) and 19.2 % (Smolyaninovskaya).
According to the results of the organoleptic evaluation, the varieties most suitable for the manufacture of directly squeezed juice and nectar without pulp were identified – Gollandskaya krasnaya, Korallovaya, Nenagladnaya, Purpurnaya; nectar with pulp and strained fruits with sugar – Gollandskaya krasnaya, Korallovaya, Nenagladnaya, Purpurnaya, Bayana, Smolyaninovskaya, Dana.
About the Authors
M. G. MaksimenkoBelarus
D. I. Martsinkevich
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For citations:
Maksimenko M.G., Martsinkevich D.I. Yield structure and organoleptic evaluation of processing products from red current. Fruit Growing. 2019;31(1):250-254. (In Russ.)