Results of study of introduced red and white current varieties
The article presents the results of the study of 12 introduced red and white currant varieties having different ecological and geographical origin: ‘Svyatomihaylovskaya’, ‘Ulyublena’, ‘Polyana’, ‘Vatra’, ‘Darnitsa’, ‘Troitskaya’, ‘Viksne krasnaya’, ‘Lasunya’, ‘Marmeladnitsa’, ‘Dana’, ‘Pervenets’ and ‘Bayana’ (white currant).
The studies were carried out in the experimental fields in the department of soft fruit of The Institute for Fruit Growing. The results of the study on economically useful traits (winter hardiness, yield, fruit weight, raceme length, resistance to diseases and biochemical composition of berries) are shown.
On a set of economically useful traits the promising varieties were selected (red currant ‘Dana’ and white currant ‘Bayana’ bred in All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Selection of Fruit Crops (VNIISPK)).
About the Authors
A. M. SumarenkoBelarus
A. M. Dmitrieva
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For citations:
Sumarenko A.M., Dmitrieva A.M. Results of study of introduced red and white current varieties. Fruit Growing. 2017;29(1):107-111. (In Russ.)