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Influence of fungicides on marketability of apple fruits of belarusian varieties at harvest and short-term storage


In The Institute for Fruit Growing in 2013–2015 the evaluation of effect of chemicals of the new generation: Delan – 0.7 kg/ha, Merpan – 1.8 kg/ha, Bellis – 0.8 kg/ha, Luna tranquility – 1.0 l/ha on the resistance of apple varieties ‘Verbnae’, ‘Vesyalina’, ‘Darunak’, ‘Imant’ to diseases during vegetation and short-term storage was carried out.

It was established that all preparations used in the garden in the stage of fruit formation and ripening, to a varying degree increased the yield of standard fruits per a tree: by 1.9–3.4 % for ‘Verbnae’, 3.0–5.5 % for ‘Vesyalina’, 3.3–4.1 % for ‘Darunak’, 4.1–5.9 % – for ‘Imant’. In addition, they reduced the incidence of fungal infection in varieties: ‘Verbnae’ – by 1.9 %, ‘Vesyalina’ – 3.1 %, ‘Darunak’ – 3.2 % and ‘Imant’ – 3.0 %.

About the Authors

D. I. Martsinkevich
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

A. M. Krivorot
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

M. G. Maksimenko
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Martsinkevich D.I., Krivorot A.M., Maksimenko M.G. Influence of fungicides on marketability of apple fruits of belarusian varieties at harvest and short-term storage. Fruit Growing. 2017;29(1):169-174. (In Russ.)

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