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Selection efficacy of apple hybrid populations, created together with cultivars of polish breeding


The results of an assessment on a complex of economically valuable characteristics of apple hybrid fund in the conditions of a breeding orchard are given in the article. The most productive populations both on separate breeding signs and on their complex are revealed. More than 70 % of hybrids in populations of Nadzejny x Redkroft, Pospekh x Redkroft, Darunak x Redkroft, 85-14/78 x Redkroft, Redkroft x Belana, Redkroft free polinated, 86-55/59 x Sawa, Witos free pollinated have shown stable resistance to a scab in the conditions of epiphytotic disease development. The percent of quickly maturing and scion-rooted seedlings in such populations as Witos free pollinated, Redkroft x Belana, Sawa x Nadzejny, 86-55/59 x Sawa, Nadzejny x Redkroft has compounded not less than 40 %. The greatest yield of hybrids with mass of a fruit ≥120 g was received in populations of Pospekh x Redkroft, Redkroft free pollinated, Redkroft x Belana, Nadzejny x Redkroft which made from 40 to 45 %.

As a result of an assessment on inheritance of a complex of economically valuable characteristics the most productive there were populations of Pospekh x Redkroft, Sawa x Nadzejny, Redkroft free pollinated. There were singled out from 12 to 27 % of seedlings. In total 16 promising genotypes from all studied hybrid fund were selected for the further studying. They have stable scab resistance in a combination to an early maturity, large fruit size and with a degustation evaluation not less than 4.0 points.

About the Authors

V. V. Vasekha
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

Z. A. Kozlovskaya
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Vasekha V.V., Kozlovskaya Z.A. Selection efficacy of apple hybrid populations, created together with cultivars of polish breeding. Fruit Growing. 2015;27:24-32. (In Russ.)

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