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Economic efficiency of cultivation of domestic plum Victoria on seed and clonal root stocks


The data on productivity and assessment results of economic efficiency of fruits cultivation of the domestic plum Victoria on seed and clonal root stocks of various growth vigour are given in the article. Among them are a profit, a level of profitability, an expense for a production unit, sales revenues, a primecost and a recoupment period.

Domestic plum Victoria plantations on seed stocks Julien Noir, Wangenheims and Julien d‟Orleans and clonal stocks GF 655/2 and Marianna GF 8/1 were singled out for average trees productivity at the planting scheme of 5 х 3 m for 5 fructification years (2005-2006, 2008-2010).

In comparison with plantations on stock P. cerasifera (standard), the recoupment period of capital investments from the moment of trees entering into a fructification at the plantations of the domestic plum Victoria on intensely growing seed root stock Julien d‟Orleans and average growing ones Julien Noir and Wangenheims is reduced by 33.3 % and by 7.7 % respectively. On clonal intensely growing root stock Marianna GF 8/1 and average growing one GF 655/2 this index has been reduced by 23.1 % and by 7.7 % respectively. Level of profitability of fruits production of the domestic plum Victoria at trees on seed root stocks Julien Noir, Wangenheims and on clonal stock GF 655/2 increases from 7.8 % to 10.5 %.

About the Authors

E. V. Poukh
РУП «Брестская ОСХОС НАН Беларуси»

A. F. Shudlovski
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Poukh E.V., Shudlovski A.F. Economic efficiency of cultivation of domestic plum Victoria on seed and clonal root stocks. Fruit Growing. 2015;27:93-100. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)