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Productivity and economic efficiency of cherry plum Kometa kubanskaya cultivation on stocks of various growth vigour


The results of the researches on productivity and economic efficiency of cherry plum (diploid plum) plantation cultivation of the cultivar Kometa Kubanskaya on 16 stocks of various growth vigour are presented in the article. Kometa Kubanskaya trees, not influenced by stocks growth vigour, started fruit bearing on the 4 th year after planting. In comparison with trees on intense growing seed root stock cherry plum P. cerasifera (standard) for 6 years of a fructification (2004-2006, 2008-2010) the average productivity was higher on intense growing seed stock Julien d‟Orleans and clonal stocks intense growing Marianna GF 8/1 and medium growing GF 655/2. Specific productivity of the of the trees trunk cross-sectional area of the Kometa Kubanskaya on seed stock P. cerasifera on the average made 0.23 kg/sm2 . Much lower this indicator was at trees on clonal stocks Pixy, cerasifera Hamyra, Julien A and on seed ones Brompton S and Myrobalana. Specific trees productivity was higher on the rest studied stocks - from 4.3 % on the stock G 5/22 and up to 56.5 % on the stock GF 655/2. Recoupment time of investments was reduced at cultivation of cherry plum plantations of the cultivar Kometa Kubanskaya on the seed stock Julien d‟Orleans and clonal stocks Marianna GF 8/1 and GF 655/2. The level of profitability of cherry plum fruits production increased at plantings cultivation on the stocks Julien d‟Orleans, GF 655/2 and Marianna GF 8/1 by 26.1, 3.4 and 19.9 %, respectively.

About the Authors

E. V. Poukh
РУП «Брестская ОСХОС НАН Беларуси»

A. F. Shudlovski
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Poukh E.V., Shudlovski A.F. Productivity and economic efficiency of cherry plum Kometa kubanskaya cultivation on stocks of various growth vigour. Fruit Growing. 2015;27:101-108. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)