Growth and development of Zaranka sour cherry trees on stock VSL-2 depending on budding height and digging in at planting
The article presents the results of the researches on features of growth and development of sour cherry trees of the cultivar Zaranka. The trees were of seven-year age on clonal stock VSL-2 with various budding height from a soil level and budding degree of a conditional root collar at planting in an orchard. There was established the influence of a high budding and digging in of a conditional root collar at planting on the display degree of apical dominance, on overgrowth density by fruit wood of boughs of the first order and on length of internodes of an annotinous increment of Zaranka sour cherry. The dependence of the cultivar branching type (mesotonic) on the studied indicators was not established. A high budding in a combination with a digging in of a conditional root collar promoted the increase of fruit formations rate up to 76.2 % from their general quantity on a bough of the first order.
About the Authors
P. A. TurbinBelarus
Z. A. Kozlovskaya
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For citations:
Turbin P.A., Kozlovskaya Z.A. Growth and development of Zaranka sour cherry trees on stock VSL-2 depending on budding height and digging in at planting. Fruit Growing. 2015;27:122-128. (In Russ.)