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Growth character and fructification types of sour cherry cultivars of Belarusian breeding on clonal stock VSL-2


The article presents the results of the researches of 14 variety and stock sour cherry combinations. They consisted of 7 variety samples of the Belarusian breeding on a clonal stock VSL-2 of the Russian breeding and on standard seeds stock of mazzard cherry. The decrease in total length of an annotinous growth rate was revealed up to 29 % at studied variety samples in a combination with clonal stock VSL-2 in comparison with combinations on seed stock. Growth vigour on total length of annotinous and perennial branches of the studied variety and stock combinations was defined. The cultivars Vyanok, Zhyvitsa and Zaranka are refered to poor growing, Milavitsa has average growth vigour, and Griot Byelorusski and 28/99 and 33/43 hybrids are intensely growing. Fructification types at studied variety and stock sour cherry combinations were defined. At the cultivars Zhyvitsa, Zaranka and Griot Byelorusski it is a tree-like one. Vyanok and 28/99 hybrid have a mixed one and at 33/43 hybrid it is a shrublike one. It was established that at all studied variety samples on clonal stock VSL-2, except for Zhyvitsa and Zaranka, the total quantity of flower buds is authentically less, than at similar combinations on seed stock. The quantity of flower buds in percentage in relation to the standard combinations on seed stock varied from 86.6 % at the cultivar Vyanok to 99.4 % at the cultivar Griot Byelorusski. The cultivars Zhyvitsa and Zaranka, despite growth vigour decrease on clonal stock VSL-2, showed the increase of flower buds total quantity in comparison with the standard by 10.6 % and 4.0 % respectively.

About the Authors

I. G. Polubyatko
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

Z. A. Kozlovskaya
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

A. A. Taranov
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Polubyatko I.G., Kozlovskaya Z.A., Taranov A.A. Growth character and fructification types of sour cherry cultivars of Belarusian breeding on clonal stock VSL-2. Fruit Growing. 2015;27:129-135. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)