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The peculiarities of substrates with AQUASORB 3005 KB use for plants adaptation under ex vitro conditions


The aim of the present investigation was to study the influence of a hydrogel AQUASORB 3005 KB in substrates (a mixture of peat and perlite; ion-exchange substrate BIONA-111; a mixture of perlite and BIONA-111) for ex vitro adaptation of in vitro rooted grape (cv. Marshall Fosh) and autumn raspberry (cv. Poranna Rosa) plants. The positive tendency in the development of roots and shoots, as well as the increasing of survival rate for grape plants cv. Marshall Fosh were noted after addition of AQUASORB 3005 KB to each type of adaptation substrate. In contrast, negative influence of impurity of AQUASORB 3005 into substrates on survival rate, length of roots and shoots were noted after adaptation of autumn raspberry plants cv. Poranna Rosa.

Influence of a hydrogel AQUASORB 3005 KB on substrates suitability and on the development of plants grown up on them needs further studying.

About the Author

A. P. Rundzia
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Rundzia A.P. The peculiarities of substrates with AQUASORB 3005 KB use for plants adaptation under ex vitro conditions. Fruit Growing. 2015;27:165-172. (In Russ.)

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