In vitro micropropagation of grapevine and influence of antibiotics on contamination decrease
The researches were carried out in the Center of Biotechnology of the Tadjik National University. The results of experimental data on micropropagation and efficiency assessment of antibiotics on suppression of a bacterial and fungal in vitro contamination are given in the article. The objects of the researches were grapevine cultivars Pobeda, Aushon rannij and Dumi rubox. On the average for 3 passages the propagation ratio for the cultivars made 2.9-3.0. Critical phytopathogenic influence of ciprofloxacin on grape regenerants, leading to their full destruction as a result of tissues necrosis was established. Optimum results were noted at nystatin application in concentration of 55.5 regenerants mg/l. Full supression of the infection contamination and high explants viability were marked for the cultivars Pobeda and Aushon rannij.
About the Authors
S. F. AbdulalishoevaTajikistan
H. I. Bobodzhanova
N. V. Kukharchik
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For citations:
Abdulalishoeva S.F., Bobodzhanova H.I., Kukharchik N.V. In vitro micropropagation of grapevine and influence of antibiotics on contamination decrease. Fruit Growing. 2015;27:279-285. (In Russ.)