Influence of controlled atmosphere on storability and quality of pear fruits during storage
In the Institute for Fruit Growing the influence of controlled atmosphere with various oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration on indicators of fruits storability of 3 pear cultivars such as Byelorusskaya pozdnyaya, Prosto Maria, Zaveya at long-term storage have been studied within 2013-2015. The controlled atmosphere influenced positively on the decrease in pear fruits losses from mass natural loss and sound fruits output at long-term storage. The best pear fruits storability was marked in the controlled atmosphere with the ultralow oxygen content. Sound fruit output made 86.6 % at the cultivar Prosto Maria, 88.3 % at the cultivar Byelorusskaya pozdnyay and 94.4 % at the cultivar Zaveya. The controlled atmosphere protects almost completely pear fruits from withering and reduces essentially rot losses, which allows keeping quality indicators of fruits (density and hardness) at long-term storage for maximum length of time.
About the Authors
D. I. MartsinkevichBelarus
A. M. Krivorot
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For citations:
Martsinkevich D.I., Krivorot A.M. Influence of controlled atmosphere on storability and quality of pear fruits during storage. Fruit Growing. 2015;27:302-307. (In Russ.)