Quality assessment of the zoned and promising autumn raspberry cultivars on suitability for freezing
The article presents the results of an organoleptic estimation of frozen berries of 10 autumn raspberry cultivars on such indices as their appearance, colour, consistency, aroma and taste. It was established that the majority of autumn raspberry cultivars possess ability for freezing, without losing initial appearance, colour, consistency, aroma and taste. Juice losses at defrostation in 1 month of storage made from 0 up to 7.3 %. Absence of juice losses was noted at such cultivars as Gerakl, Heritage and Zeva Herbsternte. The cultivar Polesie was marked with the minimum juice losses only of 0.05 % after defrostation. Juice loss in 3 months of storage varies at cultivars from 0 up to 8.4 %, and in 6 storage months the given indicator makes 0.1-21.1 %. With prolongation of the storage time of frozen autumn raspberries up to 6 months in the first cultivar group, where losses of juice made up to 5 %, there are included the cultivars Heritage and Zeva Herbsternte. The cultivars Bryanskoye divo and Eurasia present the second group with the loss of juice up to 5.1-10.0 %. To the third group there are included the cultivars Bab‟ye leto, Gerakl, Rubinovoye ozhereliye, Polka, Polesie and Pokusa where juice losses made 10.1-20.0 %. The lowest juice keeping ability (over 21.1 %) was revealed at the cultivar Bab‟ye leto which leads to its unsuitability for freezing. The analysis of the received data proves an insignificant decrease in quality of the studied cultivars after defrostation. It allows making the conclusion about storage possibility of frozen autumn raspberries within 6 months.
About the Authors
O. V. YemeliyanovaBelarus
A. M. Krivorot
O. G. Zujkevich
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For citations:
Yemeliyanova O.V., Krivorot A.M., Zujkevich O.G. Quality assessment of the zoned and promising autumn raspberry cultivars on suitability for freezing. Fruit Growing. 2015;27:333-340. (In Russ.)