Study of gooseberry resistance to spring frosts
The resistance of gooseberry generative organs to spring frosts was studied. The investigations were performed on the basis of the laboratory of fruit resistance physiology at the VNIISPK. The resistance to spring frosts was determined by a method of artificial freezing in the laboratory conditions. The modeling of -2 °C, -3 °C frosts revealed a high potential of resistance of generative organs in the majority of studied genotypes. Flowers and flower buds remained healthy. The further temperature lowering to -4 °C increased a little the damage of flowers in the studied genotypes. A kind of damages of gooseberry flowers was identified. In opened flowers the pistils were dead but stamens remained undamaged. The flower buds in all genotypes were not damaged. The experiment made it possible to differentiate gooseberry genotypes into groups of resistance to spring frosts. ‘Smena’ and remote hybrids 4-281-1, 4-283-1, 2-257-1, 4-287-1 were within the group of highly resistant genotypes. Grossularia robusta and 4-284-1, 4-288-1, 10-258-10 and 27-25-6 were within the group of resistant genotypes.
About the Authors
Z. E. OzherelievaRussian Federation
O. V. Kurashev
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Ozherelieva Z.E., Kurashev O.V. Study of gooseberry resistance to spring frosts. Fruit Growing. 2016;28(1):301-306. (In Russ.)