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Process guide for direct cultivation of clonal apple cultivars


The present process guide specifies the requirements to the performance of technological operations for direct cultivation of clonal apple cultivars on clonal semi dwarf stocks with estimated productivity more than 60 tons per hectare.

The process guide includes the requirements to cultivation conditions and to a planting stock, cultivar and stock characteristics, preplanting soil preparation, a tree planting scheme, a soil content system, protection against frosts during blooming, fertilization, crown formation and tree pruning, pest control, combating plant diseases and disinfestations, harvesting, postharvest completion and fruit storage and economic efficiency of apple tree cultivation.

The performance of the requirements of the process guide for the direct cultivation of clonal apple cultivars allows receiving 100.7 tons per hectare of fruits and the profit of three hundred forty-three million, five hundred fifty-one Belarusian rubles on a hectare basis of an orchard.

If the requirements of the process guide for the direct cultivation of clonal apple cultivars is satisfied then the profitability makes 172.6 % and the payback time of the capital investments is 0.3 of commercial fructifications.

About the Authors

T. P. Grusheva
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

V. A. Samus
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Grusheva T.P., Samus V.A. Process guide for direct cultivation of clonal apple cultivars. Fruit Growing. 2014;26(1):48-56. (In Russ.)

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