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Trees growth and productivity of apple cultivar Charavnitsa on different stocks depending on degree of annotinous branches cutback at spindle-shaped crown formation


In an orchard of 2005 planting year there was studied the influence of a degree of annotinous branches cutback in the process of trees formation of the cultivar Charavnitsa on stocks Arm-18 and 62-396. The planting scheme was 4.0 х 1.5 m.

The orchard was planted by an annotinous planting material. The influence of the cutback degree of the last year tree increment on trunk cross sectional area and its total increment was not established. The cutback of annotinous branches reduced tree parameters (its projection area, crown conditional volume) and initial productivity.

As a whole for the years of fructification the stock 62-396 provided the cultivar Charavnitsa with higher productivity that made 3-5.2 tons per hectare in the third year and 7.5-11 tons per hectare in the fourth year after planting. Trees productivity of the cultivar Charavnitsa on the stock Arm-18 in the third year after planting made 2.7-4.0 tons per hectare and in the fourth year it reached 1.3-4.0 tons per hectare.

Higher productivity in a heavy fruit bearing period at the level of 44.3 tons per hectare was received at apple trees of the cultivar Charavnitsa on the stock 62-396 at crown formation without annotinous branches cutback. On the stock Arm-18 annotinous branches cutback by 1/3 of the length ensured getting 43.5 tons of fruits per hectare.

About the Author

N. G. Kapichnikova
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Kapichnikova N.G. Trees growth and productivity of apple cultivar Charavnitsa on different stocks depending on degree of annotinous branches cutback at spindle-shaped crown formation. Fruit Growing. 2014;26(1):57-63. (In Russ.)

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