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Bere Luca pear cultivar


The study results of the introduced pear cultivar Beurré Alexandr Lucas in the conditions of southwest and central regions of the Republic of Belarus are given in the article. The cultivar is originated in France at the end of the ХIХth century. It is characterized by an early fruiting (the cultivar on the Pyrus caucasica Fed. rootstock starts its fructification on the 3rd year after being planted in an orchard and on the Seyanets Vinevki rootstock the fructification begins on the 5th year). It is a high-yield cultivar which gives from 15 tons per hectare (with 5 × 4 m planting scheme), and up to 21 tons per hectare (with 4 × 2 m planting scheme). It has an average resistance to such diseases as scab and septoria blight as well as to pests such as pear louse. It is distinguished by high taste and marketability fruit qualities with fruit degustation evaluation is 4.6 points and by products of their processing where it is 4.1-4.6 points. It is a long ripening cultivar (January-February). The profitability level makes 113.8 %. Based on trial results obtained in Brest Regional Agricultural Experimental Station of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus the cultivar was passed for acceptance at the State Variety Trial of the Republic of Belarus in 2013.

About the Authors

A. V. Poukh
РУП «Брестская ОСХОС НАН Беларуси»

O. A. Yakimovich
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Poukh A.V., Yakimovich O.A. Bere Luca pear cultivar. Fruit Growing. 2014;26(1):92-98. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)