The influence of composite polymeric compounds (film-forming resins) on branching degree of annual seedlings of fruit crops
The results of an influence study of composite polymeric compounds (film-forming resins) on the development index of annual seedlings of fruit crops, i.e. their branching degree are presented in the article. A positive postaction of the agent Korpansil application (1 l of a concentrate for 5 l of water) on the side shoots formation was revealed. It was established, that application of the agent Korpansil (1 l of a concentrate for 5 l of water) provided formation at the apple tree of 3-5 shoots of 12.8-15.3 cm in length; at a pear tree – 4 shoots of 33.5-46.5 cm in length; at plum seedlings – 14-17 unites of 28.8-46.5 cm in length; at a sweet cherry tree – 5-6 side shoots of 68-73.2 cm in length. Economically reasonable to use the agent Korpansil in the concentration of 1 l of the concentrate for 5 l of water for enriching the indicators quality of seedlings and increasing the output of a standard planting material.
About the Authors
N. N. DrabudkoBelarus
V. A. Levshunov
V. A. Samus
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For citations:
Drabudko N.N., Levshunov V.A., Samus V.A. The influence of composite polymeric compounds (film-forming resins) on branching degree of annual seedlings of fruit crops. Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):120-129. (In Russ.)