The influence of various methods of a crown formation on trees productivity of pear cultivars of various maturing terms
The results of the study in 2009-2012 of an influence of various methods of a crown formation on indicators of pear tree productivity are presented in the article. As a result of the researches made in the orchard planted in 2005 there was revealed a cultivar reaction on various methods of a pear tree crown formation. The yield at the hybrid 90-39/80 (‗Zaveya‘) and at the cultivar ‗Prosto Mariya‘ was higher at the crown formation by shoots pruning and shortening (the control). At the control variant there were gotten 29.1 t/ha of the fruits of the hybrid 90-39/80 (‗Zaveya‘) and the cultivar ‗Prosto Mariya‘ produced 76.8 t/ha of the fruits. The cultivar ‗Kudesnitsa‘ appeared to be more productive at the crown formation by means of shoots pruning. At this variant of formation for the last 4 years there have been received 48.2 t/ha of fruits. The average fruit weight was higher in comparison with the control at the crown formation by the method of shoots pruning. In 2011 at the hybrid 90-39/80 (‗Zaveya‘) the average weight of a fruit was higher by 23 g at the crown formation by shoots pruning and shortening. The fruits of the cultivar ‗Kudesnitsa‘ are larger at the variant of the crown formation by shoots pruning and shortening. The average fruit weight makes 178 g and 163 g at the crown formation by shoots pruning.
About the Authors
V. A. KhatkevichBelarus
N. G. Kapichnikova
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For citations:
Khatkevich V.A., Kapichnikova N.G. The influence of various methods of a crown formation on trees productivity of pear cultivars of various maturing terms. Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):157-163. (In Russ.)