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Specific productivity and characteristics of sweet cherry crown at various crown designs


The aim of the research has been to estimate and select the optimal crown form for various sweet cherry cultivars that allows receiving heavy fruit yields of this valuable crop.

The article presents the results for 9 years of the investigations concerning perfection of a crown design in sweet cherry plantations. Three cultivars of the Belarusian breeding such as Syubarovskaya, Gastsinets and Vityaz‘ on a seed mazzard stock were under the investigation. It was reflected the influence of a crown form on crown height, trunk cross sectional area and tree growth activity.

The formation of the spaced and storeyed crown form promotes restricting of tree growth activity. It means that embedding of big quantity of boughs (4-5 units) in the first storey has restrained incremental growth of a tree in height as well as thick of a tree trunk. However, the total crop per tree has appeared to be higher in the variant of formation of natural and improved crown form. For fruit growers it is the main indication of application expediency of this or that processing method at crop cultivation.

Natural and improved crown form shall be regarded as optimum crown design for intense sweet cherry orchards on a seed stock.

About the Authors

I. S. Leonovich
УО «Белорусский государственный аграрный технический университет»

P. A. Turbin

Russian Federation

N. V. Ignatkova
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Leonovich I.S., Turbin P.A., Ignatkova N.V. Specific productivity and characteristics of sweet cherry crown at various crown designs. Fruit Growing. 2014;26(1):175-182. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)