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Vegetation and dormant period peculiarities in the annual cycle of plum trees development


The article presents the observation results of phenological stages of plum trees development and winter hardiness of 2004-2010 period. For the investigation there were taken ‗Kubanskaya kometa‘ and ‗Viktoriya‘ plum cultivars on 8 clonal and 7 seed rootstock types. Clonal rootstocks were: Julien A, Ackermann, Pixy, cerasifera Hamyra, Brompton, Marianna GF 8/1, G 5/22, GF 655/2. Seed rootstocks were: Julien INRA 2, Julien d‘Orleans, Julien Noir, Brompton S, Wangenheims, Julien Wadenswill and Myrobalana. The seed rootstock Рrunuscerasifera was used as the control. The planting scheme of trees was 5 x 3 m with planting density of 666 trees/hectare. There were not established influences of the studied rootstocks on the duration terms of the basic phenological stages at studied cultivars ‗Kubanskaya kometa‘ and ‗Viktoriya‘. The most winterhardy variety and rootstock combinations were selected.

About the Authors

V. A. Matveyev
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

E. V. Poukh
РУП «Брестская ОСХОС НАН Беларуси»


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For citations:

Matveyev V.A., Poukh E.V. Vegetation and dormant period peculiarities in the annual cycle of plum trees development. Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):178-187. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)