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Crown shape influence on cherry trees growth and fructification in various age periods


Within 2005-2012 (concerning two age periods of a fruit tree life) there were carried out the researches on the study of the influence of cherry crown shapes on trees growth and fruit bearing. It was made with the aim to estimate and select the optimal crown shape taking into account some peculiarities of the experienced cultivars such as «Vyanok» Griot Byelorusski‘ and "Zaranka" on a seed rootstock of the cerasiis avium, which allows receiving high yields of fruits. A naturally improved crown shape is the most optimal for the cultivars studied in the experience. It is characterized by smaller indexes of a vegetative tree growth, i.e. the area and increment of a cross sectional area of a stem. It was reached at the expense of smaller quantity of boughs in a crown skeleton. Total productivity at the given crown shape for the research years made 20.8 t/hectare at the cultivar «Vyanok», 11.9 t/hectare at the cultivar «Griot Byelorusski» and 6.5 t/hectare at the cultivar «Zaranka».

About the Authors

N. V. Ignatkova
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

I. S. Leonovich
Белорусский государственный аграрный технический университет


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For citations:

Ignatkova N.V., Leonovich I.S. Crown shape influence on cherry trees growth and fructification in various age periods. Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):197-205. (In Russ.)

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