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Dried garden strawberry berries as an alternative to the traditional processing sorts


The article presents the research results for 2014–2016 according to the assessment of the suitability of five zoned varieties of garden strawberry (Vikoda, Vima Rina, Vima Tarda, Zenga-Zengana, Kimberly) for the manufacture of a new product for the domestic market – dried garden strawberry berries.

The content of soluble solids in fresh berries of garden strawberry (9.0–11.4 %), the hardness of berries (1.6–2.2 N/cm2 ), a small proportion of solid waste (sepals and peduncles) (2.0–5.7 %) with a sufficient content of sugars and acids make them suitable for the manufacture of a new product – dried berries.

The overall degustation score of dried berries in all species was high and amounted to 4.6–4.7 points.

The organoleptic score of a by-product in the production of dried berries – garden strawberry syrup – was in the range of 4.6–5.0 points.

For citations:

Novik H.A., Krivorot A.M. Dried garden strawberry berries as an alternative to the traditional processing sorts. Fruit Growing. 2021;33:185-190. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 0134-9759 (Print)