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New sweet cherry cultivar "Minchanka"


The seedling 84-9/75 was allocated in elite in 2011 by the results of a complex estimation in a breeding orchard and in an orchard of primary cultivar study. In 2012 it was passed to the system of the State Variety Trial under the name ‗Minchanka‘. A new sweet cherry cultivar ‗Minchanka‘ of medium maturing term was bred in the Institute for Fruit Growing from a pollination of a sweet cherry cultivar ‗Krasnaya plotnaya‘ by the pollen of the Ucranian cultivar ‗Ugolyok‘. The trees on a seed wild sweet cherry stock start bearing on the 4th year after planting in an orchard and quickly increase their crop. It blossoms in a medium term. The best pollinating cultivars are ‗Iput‘, ‗Gastinets‘ and ‗Syubarovskaya‘. The cultivar is distinguished by its winter hardiness, high resistance to Coccomyces, large fruits (average weight – 6.5), dense flesh consistence (bigarro), high taste qualities and marketability. Potential productivity makes 48.3 kg/tree (32.2 t/hectare) and average – 23.2 t/hectare. Profitability level of the cultivar cultivation makes 136.2 %.

About the Authors

M. I. Vyshinskaya
РУП «Институт плодоводства»

A. A. Taranov
РУП «Институт плодоводства»


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For citations:

Vyshinskaya M.I., Taranov A.A. New sweet cherry cultivar "Minchanka". Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):206-211. (In Russ.)

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