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Growth prospects of scab immune apple cultivars in the Crimea


The study results of adaptation level of apple cultivars which are immune to scab in the Crimea are given in the article. The studied cultivars weren‘t practically affected by scab and were highly resistant to powdery mildew in our climate zone. Blossoming of the immune cultivars in average terms significantly reduced the possibility of flowers‘ damage caused by recurrent frosts. The highest yield was observed among the following cultivars: “Prima”, “Greensleeves” and “Jester”. The immune apple cultivars have relatively stable nature of fruiting or not distinct fruiting periodicity. The fruits of the studied cultivars are of high quality: their size is from above-average to large, they have attractive appearance and good taste. The samples suitable for the growth in the given climatic zone are identified according to the complex of valuable economic and biological characteristics.

About the Authors

N. A. Litchenko
Институт сельского хозяйства Крыма НААН Украины

L. A. Gritsenko
Институт сельского хозяйства Крыма НААН Украины


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For citations:

Litchenko N.A., Gritsenko L.A. Growth prospects of scab immune apple cultivars in the Crimea. Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):348-352. (In Russ.)

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