Spring double grafting as a promissing mеthod of receiving of the dwarf apple interstem trees on the seedling rootstocks
In the article the efficiency of spring double grafting in the second field of nursery for the receiving of interstem trees is described. The intensive apple industry is still in search of the optimal method of growing of the dwarf interstem trees. Clone apple interstems control tree growth habit, induce early bearing and promote consistent and high yields. The way of spring double grafting allows producing interstem trees within two years. This method may allow cultivating of interstem trees of good quality. The primary seedling rootstock has welldeveloped root system, therefore, it promotes quickly uniting between all components of the grafting. This method of producing interstem trees makes it possible to obtain a high output of standard transplants per hectare. Spring double grafting in the second field of nursery could be the basis for the development of entirely new technology of planting nursery transplants with interstems.
About the Author
V. D. PopovaRussian Federation
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For citations:
Popova V.D. Spring double grafting as a promissing mеthod of receiving of the dwarf apple interstem trees on the seedling rootstocks. Fruit Growing. 2013;25(1):366-371. (In Russ.)